
Coupe de France - womens basketball

Aiming quarter

(Quelle: JC.MENGUI)
GDN - Tuesday 27 January at 20h, Lyon BF receives Mado Bonnet in his room, Calais on behalf of the eighth finals of the Coupe de France Women Basketball. The opportunity for Lyonnaise can brighten an end of season that does not look wonderful in the league. But beware of overconfidence facing Calais.
The SeaGirls, as they are called, although they point to the last place in the league, had given us a lot of trouble in their indoor championship. And a Cup match, it is very often a very special meeting where the mind makes the difference. So aim for a quarter-final and can continue to dream more, we invite you to come and live a good cup match on Tuesday. One can imagine that the show might be waiting for you. Beginning of the game to 20h, Mado Bonnet room.
Tuesday 27 January at 20h, Lyon BF receives Mado Bonnet in his room, Calais on behalf of the eighth finals of the Coupe de France Women Basketball. The opportunity for Lyonnaise can brighten an end of season that does not look wonderful in the league. But beware of overconfidence facing Calais. The SeaGirls, as they are called, although they point to the last place in the league, had given us a lot of trouble in their indoor championship. And a Cup match, it is very often a very special meeting where the mind makes the difference. So aim for a quarter-final and can continue to dream more, we invite you to come and live a good cup match on Tuesday. One can imagine that the show might be waiting for you. Beginning of the game to 20h.
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